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Thursday, July 5, 2012

Giraffe Talk

We all know that giraffes are tall and have purple tongues. They are mammals and leaves are their favorite food. Kids learn this stuff in elementary school. How about some interesting facts and trivias about giraffes?

Giraffes (giraffa camelopardalis) are the world’s tallest mammals that exist, thanks to their towering legs and long neck. It stands 16-20 ft. tall and has an average weight of 1,600 kg. for males, and about 830 kg. for females. The word Giraffe comes from the Arabic word – zerafa, meaning “charming” or “lovely one”. Its scientific name refers to camel-like face and the patches of its color on fur, as well as a mix of camel and leopard. It has an oversized heart (about two feet long and twenty five pounds) that pumps blood all the way to its head. As a result, giraffes have the highest blood pressure of any animal: 280/180. Not surprisingly, because of their high blood pressure, they are prone to heart attacks.

Find out more about their habitat and fun giraffe facts:
o   Giraffes are ruminants, meaning they have more than one stomach. In fact, giraffes have four stomach, the extra stomachs are assisting in digesting foods.

o   Giraffes are able to clean their ears through their tongue

o   Giraffes have bluish-purple tongues which are tough enough and covered with briskly hair to help them in eating thorny Acacia leaves.

o   Giraffes can drink more than 12 gallons in one setting and they can last longer without water than camels
o   Drinking is the most dangerous thing that giraffes do. While drinking, they can’t keep a look out for predators and are vulnerable for attack.
o   Giraffes spread their legs far apart while drinking

o   You can identify the sex of the giraffe through the horns in their head.

o   Both male and females have horns but females are smaller and cover with hair at the top. Male giraffes may have up to three additional horns.

o   The giraffes life span is about 20-25 years

o   Female giraffes give birth while standing up. The calf drops approximately 6 feet tall to the ground, but it doesn’t hurt at all

o   Giraffes neck contains the same number of vertebrae at a human neck

o   A giraffes heart can pump 16 gallons of blood in one minute

o   Giraffes tail is ten times thicker than a human hair strand

o   Male giraffes are known as bulls and females as cows

o   Giraffes have the longest tail of any land mammal – up to 8 feet long
o   Male giraffes sometimes fight with their necks over female giraffes. It is called “necking”.
o   The age of giraffes can be identified through its spot – the darker the spots, the older the giraffe

o   Giraffes have the shortest sleep requirements of any mammal averaging 1.9 hours per day

o   Giraffes can reach a speed of up to 60 km/hr (37 mph)

o   Giraffes have 2 gaits, walking and scalloping
o   Giraffes saliva are antiseptic that can kill germs.

o   Giraffes do have walk patterns. They walk with both right legs, then both left legs, if they don’t they will tip over.

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