Don’t Eat that Junk!
That tempting appeal of a bag of salty, crispy, and greasy snack chips whenever watching your favorite movie, doing your home works, surfing the net or simply brought by emotional stress is what you call craving for junk foods. But craving is simply not just “craving” for it. It is the same response of our brain which is similar as to what we call “addiction”. Well, junk foods are definitely bad for our health. Junk foods are loaded with flavor enhancing chemical like monosodium glutamate, high fructose corn syrup, and aspartame, all of which are known as highly addictive. Monosodium glutamate (MSG) over excites the brain to the extent that it causes neurological brain damage but of course because it taste good, people become addicted to it. Natural foods and spices do not trigger the same addictive effects in the brain as junk food chemicals do, because they have not been chemically processes to over stimulate our taste buds and brain. Other than that, it contains high levels of saturated fats which may cause obesity. I know quitting junk foods habit is really difficult but when the health effects of eating junk foods are fully understood, those hoping to acquire a healthy living are likely to get the motivation they need to succeed.
· It contains much of sugar which can make you prone to diabetes
· High levels of salt and saturated fats found in junk foods can cause
heart disease and blood pressure
· It can cause obesity or excessive gain weight for those who prefer junk foods and skipping important meals
· It contains preservatives and food coloring which contain carcinogenic substances that are harmful for your body system, specifically in your cardio-vascular system
· High level of oil and cholesterol resulting strains on the liver
· High levels of salt may increase the risks of kidney stone
· Poor concentration and lower the memory
· It can also depress our mind, resulting in the poor mental health and concentration which generally creates an unhappy outlook in our life.
· High levels of salt and saturated fats found in junk foods can cause
heart disease and blood pressure
· It can cause obesity or excessive gain weight for those who prefer junk foods and skipping important meals
· It contains preservatives and food coloring which contain carcinogenic substances that are harmful for your body system, specifically in your cardio-vascular system
· High level of oil and cholesterol resulting strains on the liver
· High levels of salt may increase the risks of kidney stone
· Poor concentration and lower the memory
· It can also depress our mind, resulting in the poor mental health and concentration which generally creates an unhappy outlook in our life.
i find this very helpful. kudos!